Guardian Angel Council accepts financial contributions three ways. You can donate online, donate by mail, or a gift in your Will or Living Trust.

The quickest and most secure way to donate directly to Guardian Angel Council is by donating online. We are currently accepting donations for our Book for Book program and for We Run Mesa.
Book for Book: For every donation of $10.95 (the cost of one bilingual children’s book), we will provide a child a Young Series bilingual children’s book.
We Run Mesa: For every donation, we will ensure it goes to children in need for our run program.From a pair of running shoes to simply having extra athletic clothes, every dollar counts!
We use PayPal’s highly secure site to accept these donations.
Once your donation is processed, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Click below to donate today.
Donate to GAC

Not in a hurry? No worries. Feel free to make a donation by mail. We accept checks or money orders payable to Guardian Angel Council.
Please DO NOT SEND CASH. You will receive a tax-deductible receipt as soon as your donation is processed.
Guardian Angel Council
2733 N Power Road, Ste 102-125
Mesa, Arizona 85215

Interested in helping Guardian Angel Council increase the bone marrow registry? A simple and versatile way to ensure we can continue our work for years to come is a gift in your will or living trust, known as a charitable bequest.
You can use the following assets to fund a bequest: Cash, Appreciated Securities, Real Estate, Tangible Personal Property, or Closely Held Stock
Contact us for additional information on bequests.